Creative Main Image


Industrial Light & Magic
Warner Bros. Animation
Digital Domain
Sony Imageworks
The Mill

Splatter Pen_Bill Mather

4.0 GT
Splatter Pen_Bill Mather

Palette Knife Painting_Bill Mather

4.0 GT
Palette Knife Painting_Bill Mather

Digital Painterly_Bill Mather

4.0 GT
Digital Painterly_Bill Mather

Painterly Realism_Bill Mather

4.0 GT
Painterly Realism_Bill Mather
Country Flag US
I have a traditional side and a digital side. My art career started way before computers, but I totally embraced that new program... Photoshop! haha I love both ways of working, and continue to incorporate new technologies
Article coming soon.
creative gallery image
creative gallery image
creative gallery image
creative gallery image
creative gallery image
creative gallery image
creative gallery image
creative gallery image
creative gallery image
creative gallery image
creative gallery image

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